Consent Preferences
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Through education, promotion, and encouragement, the Oklahoma Court Reporters Association is committed to ensuring the future of the profession of capturing and preserving the spoken word. 


The 2025  Annual Convention will be held April 25-26, 2025, at the Grand Casino Hotel & Resort in Shawnee, Oklahoma.  Registration opens February 25th!!  The first 25 people to register will be entered in a drawing for a $100 Visa card (excludes students and retirees).

OCRA has secured a discounted room rate of $119.00 per night plus taxes. Call the hotel directly at 405-964-7777 and ask for the OCRA conference rate.  Discount valid through April 17, 2025.

Click here for complete schedule, session descriptions, and bios.

 We're also having a T-shirt fundraiser this year.  Pre-order   yours when registering! Or CLICK HERE to order a shirt!

The Oklahoma Reporter Bank is a group of Official/Contract Reporters who have joined together to fight the reporter shortage in Oklahoma.  Judges email The Bank with court dates that they need coverage and The Bank tries to match a reporter with availability to cover the Judge's requests whether in-person, as in jury trials, or virtually.  We also have a number of reporters who do nothing but transcribe audio recorded hearings.

If you are interested in adding your name to The Bank, send an email  to:  Or you can call Tonya Reynaert at 918-429-2038.


Thanks to the Oklahoma Bar Foundation, a rural service employment grant worth up to $15,000 is available for licensed Oklahoma CSRs that are willing to relocate to work in any of the following counties:

  • Coal
  • Texas
  • Love
  • McIntosh
  • Stephens
  • Noble
  • Ottawa/Delaware
  • Haskell
  • McCurtain
  • Okfuskee
  • Okmulgee
  • Cimarron/Beaver/Harper
  • Muskogee

For more details, or to apply, click HERE. 

Upcoming events


OCRA makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all material published on this site.  If any discrepancy arises between any document published here and the official version of that document, the official version shall govern.

OCRA is proud to be an affiliated state association with NCRA.

OCRA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.   P.O. Box 433, Claremore, OK 74018

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